Thursday, October 1, 2009

I'm watching . . .

Rush Limbaugh responded yesterday on his show to questions of why he hasn't written any more books or done another television show. He said television requires set up and planning out, where and when you need a picture or prop, so it's confining and gives him less freedom. As for writing he said he can't write as fast as he can think, so he looses the flow. He finished by saying he knows speaking is his best format, hence why radio works for him.
I think about a blog before I sit down to write it. Scenes in my books play around some in my mind before they appear on paper. However, I need my fingers on the keys to make it happen. Doing this daily blog has really taught me that. My thoughts can only go so far and then I get that itch. That itch that says I need to put my fingers on the keys for things to continue. Now, I've seen it happen so often that it's a real thing to me. I need to see and read the words before the final thoughts can form.
Before I started doing this blog, I don't think this connection had been made in my mind. I think better and can express myself better when I'm writing.
Is that what is all around us? Folks who express themselves best through flower arranging, music, cooking, car repair, cleaning, building, teaching, caring and every other possible thing?
So, for those around us, helping them identify in what way they express themselves best is important. But that requires me paying attention and then speaking up. How cool!
To be on the lookout for people expressing themselves and to then acknowledge it. Excellent!
Life just gets funner and funner - doesn't it?

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