Tuesday, March 9, 2010

But I Don't Wanna

"I do not like to write - I like to have written." ~Gloria Steinem
So true - about a lot of things.
Doctor and dentist checkups are on my schedule this week. I do not want to go to them - but I'll be glad to have gone.
Dave Ramsey says (about saving money) something to the effect of, "Live now like no one else, so later you can live like no one else."
Lizzy in her desire to transfer schools last semester studied hard. She made great grades and was accepted at her new school. But it also taught her how to study and is paying off this semester.
What is it that makes us do the unpleasant thing? Work, visit the doctor, save, study?
Fear is a strong motivator - if I don't go to the dentist my teeth might fall out. No doctor visit? What won't be caught in the early stages? Foreclosure signs in the neighborhood can jump start saving.
Desire pushes us. A new school, a better job, a better car, a published book.
What is motivating me today to do what I do? If too much of my day is motivated by fear it will be a fearful, worrisome day. If too much of my motivation comes from my desire for more or better, I tend to become self-centered.
To never examine my motivations is to risk veering off the path I need to be on. Reminds me of a quote my brother uses on his emails "If you can't be a good example, you just might have to serve as a horrible warning."
So, what are my motivations for my actions today?
What are yours?

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