Monday, June 21, 2010

My Task Today

It's been five weeks since I looked at my WIP - work in progress. The second Chancey book was finished on May 12, only days before I left for the writer's conference. I closed the file on it and haven't even peeked at it since then. For me, it's good to let it sit a while (plus there was this wedding thing.) This morning I'll go back and start reading it through and making notes.
Knowing when what is in your head makes it to the paper, is difficult. Does it flow? Does it keep my interest? Is everything needed for the story to make sense actually down in black and white - or still rattling around in my head? Are the changes the characters make reasonable? Are the scenes set clearly enough?
I'm really excited to go back and look at it. I began this story at the end of last Summer and it's a good bit of a mystery to me. There will be things I read which make me say, "Oh, yeah, I forgot about that." And there will be places where suddenly I'll realize why a character did something at the end of the book that seemed odd when I wrote it, but had been all set up earlier. See why I'm excited to read it?
Today is like a new beginning after a long break and I'm so ready for it. Here's a line from Beth Moore that I have hanging by my desk.
"One day at the task God has personally assigned only you is better than a thousand days at someone else's."
Let's get going!


Jodie said...

Excited for you as you go back. Love that first "fresh" reading. God bless your time in Chancey! :-)

Anonymous said...

hi all